- Home
- Calendar
- About Us
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Past Sermons
- People Are The Mission Part 1
- People Are The Mission Part 2
- Be The Gift
- Perception
- Conquering the Chaos
- The Number of Man, Part 1
- Q4 L08 Education and Redemption
- Our Stories [28-Nov-2020]
- The Number of Man, Part 3
- In the beginning, God! A creation apologetics
- Seeing is Believing
- Seeking God's Spirit
- Q4 L09 The Church & Education
- Attitude of Gratitude
- Education in Arts and Sciences
- Being Spiritual
- Q4 L11 The Christian and Work
- Come to Me
- Q4 L12 Sabbath: Experiencing and Living the Character of God
- The Meaning of Christmas
- Q4 L13 Heaven, Education, and Eternal Learning
- The Day After
- Celebrating Prophets Among Us
- Let's Imagine ... [White Cord]
- Forgiveness
- Let's Finish the Course - This Year!
- Q1 L01 Crisis of Identity
- Faith or Fear?
- Q1 L02 Crisis of Leadership
- In Jesus' Name
- The Surprise Attack
- Q1 L3 When Your World is Falling Apart
- Baptism of the Spirit
- A Relationship or a Religion?
- Q1 L04 The Hard Way
- Our Stories [30-Jan-2021]
- Q1 L05 Noble Prince of Peace
- Q1 L06 Playing God
- Endowments of the Holies
- I Will Go
- Q1 L07 Defeat of the Assyrians
- Q1 L08 Comfort My People
- The More Excellent Way
- Q4 L05 Jesus as the Master Teacher
- Hated - Militant - Victorious, Part 1 of 2
- The Beginning and the End
- The Number of Man, Part 2
- Hated - Militant - Victorious, Part 2 of 2
- Only a Breath Away
- Meditation
- The Promise
- The Lost is Found
- Why Does Time Have Value?
- Q1 L09 To Serve & to Save
- The Jezebel Syndrome
- Let's remember ... (Kathy & Friends)
- Rumblings of the Apocalypse
- Perspective
- I am Coming
- So Glad We're Not Like the Children of Israel!
- Sold Out
- L1 Q1 Doing the Unthinkable
- Putting Revival into Practice
- Keeping it to the Weather
- Attack the Panic!
- Seeking Revival Together
- Q1 L11 Waging Love
- Memorial Service - Violet Verdeen Bowker
- Q1 L12 Desire of Nations
- Purpose of Spiritual Gifts
- In My Right Mind
- Q1 L13 Rebirth of Planet Earth
- Q2 L01 What Happened?
- Fulfilling of Hope
- When will Joel 2 be fulfilled?
- The Shepherd (23rd Psalm)
- A Soiled Wedding Gown
- Q2 L02 Covenant Primer
- Q2 L03 All Future Generations
- Ultimate Prophet Test
- Trust and Hope
- You, Yes you, Are a Minister
- Longing for Home
- The Spirit of the Sandals of Christ
- Who Am I?
- Courage: How to Face Down Your Fears
- Q2 L04 An Everlasting Covenant
- Q2 L05 Children of the Promise
- Total Influence & The New Heart
- Q2 L06 Abraham's Seed
- If You Only Knew ...
- Q2 L07 Covenant at Sinai
- The Baal-peor Virus
- How Does Your Garden Grow
- Q2 L08 Covenant Law
- Where does your Tithe dollar go?
- Q2 L09 Covenant Sign
- Our God Stories
- Q2 L10 New The Covenant
- The Vision I Never Had
- All Who Are Dead are Free!
- Q3 L01 Living in a 24-7 Society
- L02 Restless and Rebellious
- Get Rid of the List ... Forgive
- Q3 L04 The Cost of Rest
- Trouble
- Q3 L03 The Roots of Restlessness
- Unusual Guitar Lessons
- Memorial - Mary Sterner Humphrey Maddox
- Operation Jericho, Session 1
- Operation Jericho, Session 2
- Operation Jericho, Session 3
- Q3 L06 Finding Rest in Family Ties
- The Coming of Elijah
- Q3 L07 Rest, Relationships, and Healing
- Our Stories, Part 1 of 2
- Q3 L08 Free to Rest
- The Shepherd's Voice
- Our Stories, Part 2 of 2
- Final Questions
- L10 Sabbath Rest
- 01 Bible Prophecy for Today (Daniel 2)
- Why I Still Believe in Evangelism
- Q3 L11 Longing for More
- 02 Signs of the End You Cannot Ignore (Matthew 24)
- 03 The Second Coming of Christ (Rapture)
- 04 Time of the End
- How to Experience Real Change
- Q3 L12 The Restless Prophet
- Q3 L13 The Ultimate Rest
- 12 The Mark of the Beast, Part 1 of 2
- Q4 L01 Preamble to Deuteronomy
- 18 Heaven is our Home
- Each Step I Take
- The Logic of the Kingdom of Heaven
- Q4 L03 Everlasting Covenant
- Q4 L04 To Love the Lord your God
- When God’s Heart Stopped, Part 1 of 2
- Pastor Appreciation: Cheri Gatton
- Q4 L5 The Stranger in Your Gates
- ACIGF Sharing Stories
- Q4 L06 For What Nation Is There so Great?
- Slave or Child?
- Q4 L07 Law and Grace
- When God's Heart Stopped, Part 2 of 2
- Q3 L09 The Rhythms of Rest
- Five Thanksgiving Solus
- Q4 L09 Turn Their Hearts
- Q4 L08 Choose Life
- Thy Kingdom Come
- When the Lord Visits
- Q4 L10 Remember, Do Not Forget
- Q4 L11 Deuteronomy in the Later Writings
- Enemies to Friends
- They Came From Afar . . . How About Us?
- Q1 L01 The Letter to the Hebrews and to Us
- Q4 L01 Education in the Garden of Eden
- Q1 L02 The Message to the Hebrews
- Memorial: Remembering Susan Quarnstrom
- Jacob's Journey
- Fear or Faith?
- Book Review on the Holy Spirit
- Trust & Hope
- As You've Received Christ, So Walk In Him
- Q1 L03 Jesus, the Promised Son
- Q4 L12 Deuteronomy in the New Testament
- Q4 L04 The Lord is our Lord
- The Christmas Story
- Q1 L05 Jesus, the Giver of Rest
- Q1 L06 Jesus, the Faithful Priest
- Q1 L07 Jesus, the Anchor of the Soul
- Grateful in the Storm
- Q1 L09 Jesus, the Perfect Sacrifice
- True Discipleship
- Our Stories [29-Jan-2022]
- Q1 L08 Jesus, the Mediator of the New Covenant
- Q1 L10 Jesus Opens the Way Through the Veil
- Necessary Steps
- Repair the Altar
- Let No One Deceive You
- Q1 L11 Jesus, Author and Perfecter of Our Faith
- Racing the Doors
- The Sword of the Lord
- Q1 L12 Receiving an Unshakeable Kingdom
- Q1 L13 Let Brotherly Love Continue
- A Solid Rock Identity
- Q2 L01 The Creation
- Necessary Steps (Part 2)
- In the Night
- Q2 L02 The Fall
- Q2 L03 Cain and His Legacy
- Just Three Words
- Do You See the Value?
- Q2 L04 The Flood
- Q2 L05 All Nations and Babel
- Our Stories - Memory recitation + Johnny T + Norma M
- Q2 L06 The Roots of Abraham
- A Ministry of Suffering
- Q2 L07 The Covenant With Abraham
- Q2 L08 The Promise
- The Court's Verdict
- The Savior's Investigation
- Q2 L09 Jacob the Supplanter
- Q2 L10 Jacob-Israel
- Relevant Message-Yesteryear vs. Today
- Q2 L11 Joseph, Master of Dreams
- The Truth About Truth
- Preparation for the Promised Final Rain and Cleansing
- Q2 L13 Israel in Egypt
- The Most Important Question
- Q3 L01 The Shepherd's Scripture
- Garage Scripture
- Q3 L02 The Crucibles that Come
- Understanding the Time
- Q3 L04 Seeing the Goldsmith’s Face
- What is in your hand?
- Q3 L03 The Birdcage (Does God Tempt Us?)
- The Way Out
- Q3 L05 Extreme Heat
- My Story [Part 1, Julie Gee]
- Q3 L06 Struggling with all Energy
- Reconciling to God
- Q3 L07 Indestructible Hope
- Our Favorite Prison Cell
- Q3 L08 Seeing the Invisible
- Glycolysis & Faith
- Q3 L09 A Life of Praise
- Transplanting Bone Marrow
- Q3 L10 Meekness in the Crucible
- Logjam to Flow
- Are We There Yet?
- Q3 L11 Waiting in the Crucible
- Q3 L12 Dying Like A Seed
- Keep Our Eyes Fixed on Jesus
- Q3 L13 Christ in the Crucible
- Wash My Shame Away
- Q4 L01 Rebellion in a Perfect Universe
- God's Got This!
- Q4 L02 Death in a Sinful World
- The Gate of Heaven
- Q4 L03 Understanding Human Nature
- Enter to Joy
- Q4 L04 The Old Testament Hope
- The Scandal
- Q4 L05 Resurrections Before the Cross
- Our Stories - Alex Rusu
- Q4 L06 He Died for Us
- The Service Paradox
- Q4 L07 Christ’s Victory Over Death
- Should I Not Be Concerned?
- Q4 L08 The New Testament Hope
- Naptime Over!
- Q4 L09 Contrary Passages
- Come and See
- Q4 L10 The Fires of Hell
- Landmarks
- Q4 L11 End-Time Deceptions
- Unexpected Plans
- Q4 L12 The Biblical Worldview
- The Greatest Miracle
- Q4 L13 The Judging Process
- For Our Ukrainian Friends
- Mary, Did You Know?
- Q4 L14 All Things New
- Our Stories - Gary + Buji
- Q1 L1 Part of the Family
- A Time for Courage
- Heaven's Neighborhood Watch
- Redeemed Singers, Concert
- It Is Written
- The Lord's Favor
- Q1 L04 Offerings for Jesus
- Q1 L05 Dealing with Debt
- Q1 L03 The Tithing Blessing
- Q1 L02 God’s Covenants With Us
- Q1 L06 Laying Up Treasure in Heaven
- Entertaining Strangers
- Being Prepared to Act
- Q1 L07 Unto the Least of These
- Q1 L08 Planning for Success
- Calibrating for Love
- Q1 L09 Beware of Covetousness
- United in Purpose!
- Q1 L10 Giving Back
- To Bear His Cross
- Q1 L11 Managing in Tough Times
- A Restful Adventist
- Q1 L12 Rewards of Faithfulness
- The Better Promise
- Q2 L01 Jesus Wins - Satan Loses
- God's Power
- Q2 L02 A Moment of Destiny
- He Switched the Cups
- Q2 L03 The Everlasting Gospel
- The War of the Wolves
- Q2 L04 'Fear God & Give Glory to Him'
- Lessons From Trafalgar
- Q2 L05 The Good News of the Judgement
- The Great Reset: Session 12 The Final Reset
- Q2 L06 The Hour of His Judgement is Come
- The Great Reset: Session 17 The Mark of the Beast
- Q2 L07 Worshipping the Creator
- The Great Reset: Session 22 As Good As It Gets
- Q2 L08 The Sabbath and the End
- Dead Men Walking
- Q2 L09 A City Called Confusion
- The King & the Beggar
- Q2 L10 Satan’s Final Deceptions
- Where is Jesus?
- Q2 L11 The Seal of God & Mark of the Beast, Pt 1
- Who is the Lord?
- Q2 L13 Ablaze With God’s Glory
- Satan’s Lie vs. the Gospel Power
- Q3 L01 Paul and the Ephesians
- The Enemy Within
- Called to Freedom
- Q3 L03 The Power of the Exalted Jesus
- The River & 3 Red Chairs
- Q3 L02 God's Grand, Christ-Centered Plan
- Q3 L04 How God Rescues Us
- The Fountain
- Q3 L05 The Horizontal Atonement: The Cross & the Church
- The Perfect Unity of the Godhead
- Q3 L06 The Mystery of the Gospel
- Rejected Yet Accepted
- Q3 L07 The Unified Body of Christ
- The Benefits of Departure
- Catastrophe, Complacency, Courage
- Q3 L08 Christ-Shaped Lives & Spirit-Inspired Speech
- Q3 L09 Living Wisely
- The God of Impossibilities
- Q3 L10 Husbands and Wives Together at the Cross
- From Amish to Adventist
- Q3 L11 Practicing Supreme Loyalty to Christ
- Q3 L12 The Call to Stand
- Trick or Truth?
- Q4 L13 Waging Peace
- Repairer of the Breach
- The Berean Test
- Q4 L14 Ephesians in the Heart
- My Testimony - Barry Eisenminger
- Q4 L01 God’s Mission to Us Part 1
- Love Never Lied
- Q4 L02 God’s Mission to Us Part 2
- When The World Falls In
- Q4 L03 God’s Call to Mission
- "Nowhere to Hide"
- Q4 L04 Sharing God’s Mission
- Growing Pains
- Q4 L05 Excuses to Avoid Mission
- Salt & Light
- Q4 L06 Motivation & Preparation for Mission
- The Wedding is Coming
- Q4 L07 Mission to My Neighbor
- A Marriage to Die For
- Q4 L08 Mission to the Needy
- In Every Thing?
- Q4 L09 "Mission to the Powerful"
- Lively Stones
- Q4 L10 Mission to the Unreached-Part 1
- The Gift
- Q4 L11 Mission to the Unreached Part 2
- The Greatest Gift
- Q4 L12 Esther & Mordecai
- Music Program + "Is There Room?"
- The Perception Deception
- Q4 L13 The End of God’s Mission
- Q1 L01 How to Read the Psalms
- The Old is Gone! The New is Here!
- Q1 L02 Teach Us to Pray
- Q1 L03 The Lord Reigns
- The Anchor of Life
- Go
- Q1 L04 The Lord Hears and Delivers
- Faith that Echoes
- Q1 L05 Singing the Lord's Song in a Strange Land
- Q1 L06 I Will Arise
- You're In The Army Now
- The Heartbeat of Adventism
- The Lost Shepherd
- Imperfect Dinner Guests
- Why Human?
- Kingdom Bound
- A Sense of Place
- Our Stories - Harold & Carolyn Curtis
- No Child Left Behind - David Salazar
- A Gift from God
- The Redeemed Singers
- God's Desire - Pastor Don Driver
- Gem State Academy - Bells & Special Choir
- "Key to Unlock the Future" by Pastor Stephen McPherson
- Born Brainwashed - Kathy Beagles Coneff
- 2024-06-08 Christianity - No Easy Button, Larry Blackmer PhD
- 2024-06-22 Living in Sodom & Gomorrah, Michael Gee
- 2024-06-29 Don's Conversion Story - Donald Anderson
- Text & Context
- Kingdom Restoration
- Liberty in Jesus
- What is the Beast?
- What's Your View?
- Come to the Wedding
- Daniel 11: The Time of the End, Part 1
- Daniel 11: The Time of the End, Part 2
- Daniel 11: The Time of the End, Part 3
- The Bread of Life
- Bragging on Jesus
- The Gospel Message in Papua New Guinea
- Do You Hear It?
- 2024-09-07 If It's Not Good
- 2024-09-14 "A Return to Rest"
- 2024-09-21 Living in a Time of War
- 09/29/2024 The Good Neighbor
- 2024-10-12 The Heart of God [Part 1]
- 2024-10-19 The Time is Near
- 2024-10-26 The Heart of God [Part 2]
- 2024-11-01 Meridian Adventist - Communion Service
- 2024-11-02 Extravagant Grace
- 2024-11-09 Kings & the Kingdom
- 2024-11-16 God is Faithful
- 2024-11-23 Remove the Rubbish
- Testimonies - Andrew & Emily
- 2024-12-07 Your Giant is Going Down!
- 2024-12-14 Seek Him
- 2024-12-21 The Old Testament Christmas Story
- 2024-12-28 Jacob's Ladder
- 2025-01-04 New Year - Same God
- 2025-01-11 The Prayer of Jabez
- 2025-01-18 No Root is Dead
- 2025-01-25 Take Time to Pray + Communion
- 2025-02-01 Miracles
- Restore A Child
- Schedules
- Prayer Request
- Contact Us